11 thoughts on “What did Jesus drive?

  1. This reminds me of another unseeming joke about Jesus’ means of transportation, in this case accompanied by Joseph and Mary.

    I should not repeat it.

  2. Giggle!

    I remember, long ago, seeing two nuns driving a car that was much newer and nicer than the one I had.

    I thought “Didn’t they eschew worldly goods and shouldn’t they be on asses?”

    Or perhaps an Accord?

    • Oh my. I haven’t sung that since grade school (to the tune of John Brown’s Body, of course!) Thanks for the memory – too funny.

  3. Jeez – we’re not talking a Cadillac or a Beemer! Would we have them drive a broken down car or a newer car of a brand known to produce more lemons than decent cars? Honda is not only good reliable transportation, but it’s a car that lasts and lasts, making it a better “investment” in terms of trading it in or just selling it – be it individual nun or the convent or whoever.

    Also, I agree they are entitled to reliable transportation. They have given up just about everything else and if they are going to serve their community, they have to get there somehow. Sheesh!

What do you think?